


Riau, Indonesia - Riau Phones in Indonesia. Find People in Indonesia. Search phone numbers in Indonesia.


Kuantan Singingi - 0760
Pekanbaru, Pelalawan, parts of Siak, parts of Kampar - 0761
Kampar, Rokan Hulu - 0762
parts of Bengkalis - 0763
Siak - 0764
Dumai, parts of Bengkalis (Duri), parts of Rokan Hulu (Bagan Batu) - 0765
Bengkalis - 0766
Rokan Hulu - 0767
Indragiri Hilir - 0768
Indragiri Hulu - 0769
Indonesia Riau 2024
Indonesia, Flooding in Kampar (Riau) (26 Jan 2024) - Indonesia ReliefWeb
Report: Half of plantations in Indonesia's palm oil heartland are illegal Mongabay.com
Indonesia leads the way in taming forest fires UN News
Sharing stories of community-based fire prevention in Riau, Indonesia - CIFOR Knowledge cifor-icraf