


Aceh, Indonesia - Aceh Phones in Indonesia. Find People in Indonesia. Search phone numbers in Indonesia.


Subulussalam - 0627
Southeast Aceh - 0629
Langsa, East Aceh, Aceh Tamiang - 0641
Gayo Lues - 0642
Central Aceh - 0643
Bireuen - 0644
Lhokseumawe, North Aceh - 0645
parts of East Aceh - 0646
Simeulue - 0650
Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, parts of Aceh Jaya (Lamno) - 0651
Sabang - 0652
Pidie - 0653
Aceh Jaya - 0654
West Aceh - 0655
South Aceh - 0656
parts of South Aceh - 0657
Singkil - 0658
Southwest Aceh - 0659
Indonesia Aceh 2024
Weak mag. 2.7 earthquake - West Aceh Regency, 60 km north of Meulaboh, Indonesia, on Sunday, May 12, 2024, at 03 ... VolcanoDiscovery
Over 70 Rohingya dead or missing after boat capsizes off Indonesia's Aceh Reuters
Indonesia: Why Aceh's cities rank low in tolerance DW (English)
Students in Indonesia protest the growing numbers of Rohingya refugees in Aceh province The Associated Press